Our tours of Menlo Innovations' factory floor have now gone virtual. We'll spend 90 minutes together sharing Menlo's history, values, culture and practices - and how we've transitioned to where we are today.


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Take one of our virtual Factory Tours!

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Thank You for Joining Me!

Thank you so much for spending your time with me at the Hyperdrive Agile Lunch and Learn. The opportunity to bring joy to our workplaces and our teams is an important one. I hope we are able to connect and find ways to bring joy to YOUR team!

Thank You for Joining Me!
Lead With Joy!

Lead With Joy!

Sharing is what we DO. It's not stealing if we fully approve. Take the lessons, share the lessons. Make some joy, pass it on.
Coping with Our Own Swiss Family Robinson Ordeal

Coping with Our Own Swiss Family Robinson Ordeal

Read about how Menlo was coping culturally with COVID-19 and the dramatic changes to their way of working.
Recommended Reading

Recommended Reading

Check out some of our favorite books - aside from Rich's, of course. They've influenced us, so they might influence you too!

Contact us for virtual training

Menlo Bits

The Menlo Bits is Menlo's monthly newsletter, filled with all the latest in science and technology trends as well as what's been happening at Menlo.

To sign-up, fill out the registration below.